Opening May 11th
Children’s day-care centres will be opened 11 May. We are very happy and excited about the fact that Piccolini will open her doors again after the May holidays. We are preparing for the reopening and are taking into the account the 1.5-metre society. There will be stricter agreements on hygiene measures and the fetching and bringing of your child(ren). Please discuss these agreements with your child(ren) as well, if possible. The arrangements below will take place after the May holidays on 11 May 2020.
Piccolini has the intentions to follow the 1.5-metre rule for everyone from the age of 12. This will only succeed if we follow the new agreements together. The children who will be taken care of by us do not have to follow this rule.
Approach to the organization and provision of 1.5-metre children’s day-care
All children are allowed to come to the day-care according to contract. It will stay possible to exchange and request extra days throughout Konnect. Anyone above the age of 12 must adhere to strict rules. It is therefore important that we work together with the parent committee to achieve a pleasant and safe organization.
By making this organization we looked at:
- Safety of children and leaders.
- Ability of the team.
- Entry routes for employees.
- Bring and collect.
Walking routes within Piccolini
We keep a minimum of 3.5 m2 per child. This is no different than normal. We have 2 or 3 leaders in a group. The leaders know that they have to keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. As for example, a baby will be transferred via an evacuation bed.
The groups will be outside as much as possible, when it is nice weather. There is much less risks in the open air and also healthy! Of course we make use of areas that have a shade and put sunburn on the children every 2 hours.
Bring and collect
We start with phased approaching and collecting, so that parents will meet less in front of the building. Each group will have 20 minutes. All children will be brought through the main entrance. This counts for both locations. Each time one parent may be present in the hall to say goodbye and hang the belongings on the coathangers.
When entering Piccolini, the bringing parent is obliged to first disinfect the hands, by rubbing the disinfecting fluid in the hands at the hall for at least 30 seconds. Please form a row outside, which all adults keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. We will mark the sidewalk with distance marking tape, so parents can see where they are allowed to stand.
Bring | Collect | |
Bamboo | 8:00-8:20 | 17:00-17:20 |
Lotus | 8:20-8:40 | 17:20-17:40 |
Bonsai | 8:40-9:00 | 17:40-18:00 |
Wolkje | 8:00-8:20 | 17:00-17:20 |
Rainbow | 8:30-8:50 | 17:40-18:00 |
If the timeframe is not possible due to a vital profession, we would like to receive an email from you. We will then look for a suitable solution together. If you have more children at Piccolini, then keep your youngest child’s time. As reminder: if you want to make use of extra time before 8:00 or after 18:00 hours you can request it through Konnect.
Parents are unfortunately not welcome on the groups. There will be a leader standing at the door ready to take your child from 1.5 meters away. There will also be an evacuation bed ready for a child who can not yet walk. In this way it is safe to take over a child. We will put the bed in front of the doorway to the hall. In this way you can easily keep a distance of 1.5 meters from the teacher. It will be difficult for some children to say goodbye in the beginning. Most children have been with their parents for 6 weeks and need time to get used to the daycare. Our teachers are ready to give your child all the love and warmth. Try doing a longer farewell ritual at home or on the way to Piccolini. Experience has shown that a short farewell is easier for the child to cope with than a long farewell. We will have to get our strength out for that moment. Waving in front of the window is of course allowed.
Wash your hands and the hands of the children before you leave home, please do not forget to wash your hands before you pick up your child!!!! A parent with mild symptoms are not allowed to come or neither bring or collect their child.
Get used to
Most children haven’t been to Piccolini for weeks and will have to get used to the daycare again. Because the personal transfer is shorter than normal, we would like to ask you to share as much information as possible about your child throughout Konnect. We would appreciate it if every parent would send a diary message to the leaders on the 10th of May with a update on how your child has been doing in the last few weeks and if there are any details. In this way we prevent long row during the transfer.
We can imagine that some parents find it exciting to immediately bring their child full days. In that case, we are open to planning a ”getting used-day”. This has to be done on a contract day. If you prefer, you can contact the branch and arrange a ‘’getting used-day”day with the leader of the group .
Sick teachers
Leaders can work if they have no symptoms of the Coronavirus. Teachers should stay at home if they have mild symptoms, such as cold, until they are symptom-free for 24 hours. This is in accordance of the guideline of the RIVM/GGD. Teachers can resume their work after they have been symptom-free for 24 hours. We will check whether an alternate teacher is available. If we don’t have enough teachers, due to force majeure caused by the coronavirus, we then only will take care of the children from which the parents have a crucial occupation. The parents do not need to pay if its not fort he child to come, do to less availability of teachers. We will call the parents of the children who cannot bring their child tot he daycare. If there is no response, we will leave a voicemail and send a text through Konnect. This is really in urgent need. We will do everything we can to prevent this situation.
Sick children
Children can come to Piccolini if there are no symptoms of the Coronavirus. With (mild) symptoms such as a cold, children should stay at home until they are symptom free for 24 hours. If one or more family members has (had) serious complaints (fever and/or shortness of breath), all other family members should stay at home until everyone in the house has remained free of mild complaints (nose cold, runny nose, sore throat, light cough, fever or shortness of breath) for 14 days. If a teacher notices that a parent or child at Piccolini has one of the above complaints, the teacher will consult with the management to see whats best to do. If the management is not available, the leader will consult with a supervisor who has been appointed as BHV’er. If necessary, parents are requested to pick up the child a.s.a.p. to prevent possible spread.
Washing hands, coughing or sneezing
Washing hands with water and liquid soap is an effective way to prevent contamination. Washing hands thoroughly takes at least 20 seconds. Managers and children wash their hands on a regular basis (maximum interval of two hours between washes). Children are instructed daily to wash their hands thoroughly. The children dry their hands with paper tissues. Tissue boxes and soap dispensers are placed in all groups. The teacher and children must wash their hands on arrival, after going to the toilet, before and after eating, after coughing and sneezing and after playing outside. The teachers teach the children to sneeze in their elbows and teach them to avoid contact of hands with eyes and mouth.
Eating and drinking
When teachers prepare food and drink, they should wash their hands thoroughly. Children are not allowed to bring and hand out treats on birthdays. The children in the group will sing for the birthday boy or girl and of course we will make a party.
We want to clean surfaces in contact with our hands regularly because viruses can survive on surfaces. As an example of: tables, toys, handles, handrails, door handles and toilet seats.
- Toilets should be cleaned at least twice a day.
- If a group is going to play outside, the group (tables, washbasin, etc.) will be cleaned with a disinfecting spray (dettol).
- Dustbins, floors etc. are done on a daily basis according to the cleaning schedule.
We understand that this is a lot of information and that we are asking a lot of you. We only can stay open if we all take care of a safe daycare. We would like to thank you for your cooperation and wish you a lot of strength in this difficult time. Together we are strong. “Piccolini, where a child can be a child”.
Yours sincerely,
Friska Fischer en Kelly van der Linden
Directors Childcare Piccolini.